prerequisite courses offered from UNE Online

Dear Member,
Do you find that you often encounter applicants that are missing one or two of the prerequisites required to apply to your program, and you're unsure of where to guide them?
For years, institutions like yours have directed their potential students to the University of New England to fulfill those prerequisites online. UNE's College of Graduate and Professional Studies offers upper-level online courses for students who wish to enter a health professions program but lack the necessary prerequisite courses. UNE currently offers over 20 courses/labs which can be found here.
Our courses are self-paced and designed to be completed within a 16 week time frame. Students can register at anytime with courses opening on the first and third Wednesday of every month.
We've linked to some additional information below which is a great resource for students who may be in need of the prerequisites we offer.
For more information about our courses please visit our website at or reach out by calling (207) 221-4970. Additionally, if you are interested in hard copies of our brochures please email
Thank you,
Samuel Ross
Senior Enrollment Counselor
University of New England


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