MD Summer Experience in Clinical Neurology at Emory University
Emory University’s Office of Summer Programs is pleased to announce MD-SEE, the MD Summer Experience at Emory, for
summer 2017.
more than a shadowing program, MD-SEE offers genuine clinical
experience, classroom guidance on presentations,
and a vigorous look at current issues and practices in medicine. This
course will cover variable topics of special interest in the field of
Clinical Neurology. Undergraduates will have an opportunity to
correlate experience with actual patients with the science
behind the diagnosis. During their time in the clinics, students will
act as a “patient assistant,” helping patients who may have partial
paralysis or loss of sensation. They will learn the basics of the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) and will record patients’ history and neurological findings
while observing real-life patient examinations. Each student will be
assigned a Clinical Neurology faculty mentor who will help develop the
writing and poster projects. Publication of student
work will be encouraged, co-authored by the faculty mentor.
is a fantastic opportunity for students interested in medical school. I
encourage you to please spread the word,
forward this email on to students, post within your department, on
bulletin boards around campus, and steer qualified students toward this
program. Attached is a flyer that can be posted and used as a handout.
Applications are now being accepted.
The preferred application deadline is
February 24, 2017.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: or
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