2016 Sherry R. Arnstein Minority Student Scholarship Program

Now Accepting Applications: AACOM 2016 Arnstein Minority Student Scholarship Program
AACOM’s 2016 Sherry R. Arnstein Minority Student Scholarship Program application cycle is now open. The program, named after former AACOM Executive Director Sherry R. Arnstein, recognizes incoming and continuing underrepresented minority students at AACOM’s member colleges. Help AACOM spread the word by forwarding this email to eligible students.
Eligible applicants are:
  1. African-American, Native American (American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian), mainland Puerto Rican, or Hispanic
  2. Currently enrolled in his/her first, second, or third year at an AACOM member college, or have been accepted and plan to matriculate at an AACOM member college
  3. In good academic standing
  4. Not a previous Arnstein Scholarship awardee
Entries must be post-marked by March 31, 2016. All entries must be complete and meet all specified requirements. Late or incomplete entries will not be considered.
Awardees will be notified in August 2016.
Visit AACOM's Sherry R. Arnstein Minority Student Scholarship Program web page for more information.

We look forward to receiving your interested premedical students applications!


Gina M. Moses, M.Ed.
Associate Director of Recruitment and Application Services

American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
5550 Friendship Blvd, Suite 310 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815 

#DOmore2016   |   www.aacom.org/domore

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