Summer research program - Vanderbilt

Dear Pre-Health Advisors,

The Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy (VSSA) summer research program is now accepting applications for summer 2016! The VSSA hosts approximately 70 students each summer from institutions across the country. The VSSA offers research seminars, a wide rage of enrichment activities and lectures as well as social activities for those undergraduates engaged in research on our campus during the summer.

There are two major tracks within the VSSA; the Basic Science Programs for undergraduates interested in careers in research (aspiring PhD and MD/PhD students), and the Undergraduate Clinical Research Internship Program for undergraduates who wish to pursue a career in medicine (aspiring MD and MD/PhD students). There are many options within the Basic Science Programs based on the student’s background and research interests. Participation in any one of the Summer Science Academy programs is a valuable learning experience that enhances a student’s skills and makes him or her more competitive for acceptance to frontline graduate programs. 

Applications are due February 1st. For further information please visit our website. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!


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