Generation Hope Project - Detroit Michigan

On July 21–23, 2016, Joel Osteen and Generation Hope Project® is headed to Detroit, Michigan and we need your help!
Generation Hope Project® brings together hundreds of volunteers from around the world to impact communities across the country. Now in its fifth year, our volunteers have worked with 32 partner organizations, donated 12,000 volunteer hours, and blessed countless families and individuals in four major cities.
In Detroit, we will be working with organizations such as Forgotten Harvest, S.A.Y. Detroit Play Center, and Habitat for Humanity Detroit on multiple volunteer projects and events over two days.
Join us as we make a positive impact in the communities of Detroit.
Be a part of the change. Be the light of hope for this generation.
Because YOU can change the WORLD!
Visit for more information and to sign up!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for real time updates!
—GenHope Project Team
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Twitter & Periscope: @genhopeproject
Facebook: Generation Hope Project
Instagram: @genhopeproject
Official Hashtag: #GenHopeProject


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