Earn a Master's Degree in Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSE)

What is Systems Engineering and what is Healthcare Systems Engineering?  
Systems Engineering is a body of knowledge that originated in aerospace industry to assure perfect performance and integration of complex multi-disciplinary systems. Healthcare is among the most complex systems in our society. Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSE) is mostly a non-mathematical body of knowledge on how to manage complex programs and projects in an optimal way, although some areas use statistics, modeling and simulations, and informatics and analytics management. 
U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology PCAST Report
In 2014, the U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology issued the so-called PCAST report recommending that healthcare professionals should seek help from Systems Engineering when dealing with highly complex challenges in modern healthcare, stating:  "...Systems Engineering know-how must be propagated at all levels [of healthcare]" and "Implementation of [Systems Engineering] bears potential not only to improve the efficiency of care delivery, but also to improve its quality." 
What Medical Professionals are saying about HSE?
"Although health care can do some amazing things, anyone working in health care has also seen examples of suboptimal patient outcomes, unaddressed patient safety issues, poor reliability, and inefficiencies. Traditional medical thinking is not well equipped to improve many of these problems. Much of this, however, can be addressed if systems engineers, physicians, and health care professionals could better collaborate and use well known systems engineering techniques... This really should create the burning platform for greater incorporation of systems engineering into medical care." - Michael Kanter, M.D., Regional Medical Director of Quality & Clinical Analysis, Southern California Permanente Medical Group.
HSE helps healthcare professionals with managing complex problems such as:
  • Patient safety systems
  • Powerful streamlining, cost and throughput reduction, and quality and capacity increase of operations in emergency departments, operating rooms, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, supply chain, administration and any other activity using Lean and modeling
  • Interoperability and computer connectivity of medical devices
  • Implementation of increasingly complex electronic health/medical records and healthcare enterprise informatics
  • Integration of fragmented healthcare system elements
  • Big data analytics, systemic support of medical research
  • Systems thinking in healthcare
  • Project management
Benefits of a MS degree in Healthcare Systems Engineering
  • Education in a fascinating and nationally needed body of knowledge
  • Potential to serve a 3-trillion dollar U.S. healthcare segment of the economy
  • Vast number of stakeholders. In the Los Angeles area alone, there are over 250,000 jobs in healthcare, almost three times as many as in defense industry
  • Strong differentiating element in applications to Medical Schools
  • Education with applicability in a large number of industries outside of healthcare
Why Loyola Marymount University?
  • Renowned faculty serving in leading national bodies in HSE
  • Cooperative programs with Kaiser Permanente, highest-ranking US healthcare institution
  • Small student-to-faculty ratio, personal attention and advising
  • Great location near Los Angeles LAX airport and scenic campus overlooking the Pacific
  • Option to complete the MS degree in one year (10 courses) including summer sessions.
Admission Requirements
  • Bachelor's degree from a U.S. accredited school in science, math, computer science, nursing, pre-med, and engineering
  • Rolling admission
  • GPA of 3.0
  • Essay demonstrating passion for healthcare
  • Application form and 3 letters of recommendation
  • Students begin taking courses in Summer Session II. If the student does not have a background in healthcare, they must take an introductory course about healthcare in the spring semester.           
For More Information contact:
Bo Oppenheim, Ph.D., 
Associate Director for Healthcare Systems Engineering
INCOSE Fellow, Shingo 2011, 2013
1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles CA 90045

Loyola Marymount University Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSE)


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