Career resources for predental students

Last year, nearly 12,000 people applied to dental schools in the U.S.
Less than 6,000 were accepted.
Getting into dental school is an incredibly competitive process, but predental students who take advantage of resources from the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) can make themselves more attractive candidates.
Let your predental students know that ASDA is their go-to-source for:
In addition to these and other resources, ASDA offers exclusive content to members. Upon joining, predentals receive the "Getting into Dental School" handbook that includes checklists, application timelines and information about every U.S. dental school. Members also receive free publications, leadership training and the opportunity to attend national ASDA conferences.
You'll find all the resources, guides and information that predentals need to achieve their goal of dental school acceptance on And consider placing a link to on your site.


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