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Atlantic Project - Don't study abroad, shadow abroad!

Hospital Shadowing During Spring, Winter, and Summer Breaks.

The Atlantis Project Fellowship equips the next generation of medical leaders to pursue their callings.

Successful applicants shadow doctors for 20+ hours a week, explore international healthcare, and discover beautiful program locations in Spain, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Budapest, Lithuania, and Argentina. 
If you're on track to become a doctor, nurse, physician's assistant, or any medical career where clinical and hospital exposure is valued, our 2016 applications are now open. 

Video Above: 2014 Atlantis Fellows

2014 Fellows, Canary Islands, Spain.

A Trusted Partner.

Since 2007, we have collaborated with international hospitals to enable shadowing opportunities for students from over 100 American universities. The Atlantis Project is leading the way for undergraduate international healthcare exploration.
2014 Fellows, Canary Islands, Spain.

Life-Changing HealthCare Experience.

Atlantis Fellows grow in their understanding of healthcare and the medical vocation in general. Extensive observation of physician to patient interaction allows students to gain confidence in a hospital setting. In addition, Atlantis Fellows become more competitive for graduate admission via research, community volunteering, and teaching (location-dependent). 
2014 Fellows, Azores Islands, Portugal.

Explore The World with friends.

Outside the hospital, Atlantis Fellows engage with the culture of their host-site. From vineyard tours and group dinners to kayak trips and cathedral visits, you will be sharing experiences with friends as passionate about healthcare as you.

"My experiences as a part of the Atlantis Project were the overwhelming majority of my AMCAS personal statement essay and heavily featured in other aspects of the application, as the social components I encountered in the hospital in Ponta Delgada were what lead to me embracing the medical journey. Moreover, the chance to shadow physicians of multiple specialties, from multiple nationalities, and operating under a different healthcare system served to truly enhance my view of medicine. I was able to translate my experiences on the island into answers to a wide-ranging array of prompts throughout the primary and secondary application processes, as well as during interviews."
- Nico Coleman, M.D. student at UCSF, 2013 Atlantis Fellow 
"I have been hitting medical interviews hard since August and have yet to go through an interview without mentioning my Fellowship experience through the Atlantis Project in Albacete, Spain.“
        - Ally Limmer, Rhodes College, 2015 Atlantis Fellow
"The Atlantis Project has been the most comprehensive clinical experience that I have had during my undergraduate career."
- Isabella Skovira, NYU, 2013 Atlantis Fellow

Use your university breaks wisely.

As the US healthcare system moves toward a more public model in the 21st-century, exposure to international hospitals is more valuable than ever for the rising American healthcare professional. Every healthcare model has advantages and disadvantages, and all your professors and classmates have opinions. But how many of them have actually seen a different healthcare system from the inside? How well can they predict the consequences of the Affordable Healthcare Act in a medical school interview?
The benefit of the Atlantis Project Fellowship is more than just understanding healthcare models—it is about understanding and deepening your vocation for healthcare in general. It’s about spending long hours observing doctors and healthcare professionals, all in a few jam-packed weeks that may change your perspective on healthcare forever.

2015 Atlantis Fellows
2015 Atlantis Fellows
2014 Atlantis Fellows
2014 Atlantis Fellows

Healthcare education is our expertise and primary focus, but the Atlantis Project Fellowship will also introduce you to the rich history, lively culture, and local cuisine. 

Outside the hospital, Atlantis Fellows are challenged to dive deep into another culture. Every week, our local team and partners lead Fellows on hiking trips, historical tours, day-long excursions to world heritage sites, winery visits, and more. Our group dinners at area restaurants sample the best of local cuisine in all its flavors. And don't worry, it's not all structured. We give you free time to explore your city, shop, and enjoy the host culture. One thing is for sure: Atlantis Fellows have an intense, authentic international experience both inside and outside of the hospital.

We look for students who are passionate about deepening their vocation for healthcare.

Admissions are rolling, but spots are limited. Apply Today.

Check out our YouTube Channel or the alumni highlights below.



  1. Wonderful post! I hope you will keep touch such nice work.


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