Somos Hermanos - Spanish Immersion Program (5-month program)

Spanish Immersion Program for Pre Health Professionals

We seek to increase the number of bilingual, culturally competent health care providers who can effectively communicate with Latino patients; improving the quality of and access to health care in the US and Canada through our language and cultural immersion program.
Our program for pre health professions students is based in Guatemala and includes: Spanish language learning, lectures, activities, trips to El Salvador & Mexico, cultural competency learning and much more. Please visit our website for more info.


Follow this link and to our alumni group photo page and see where our Alumni have graduated from / or are currently studying!
*University of Colorado School of Medicine
*Keck School of Medicine, USC
*Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
*University of Texas, Southwestern School of Medicine
*University of California, San Francisco Medical School
*University of Washington, Dentisry and Medical Schools
*Michigan State, College of Human Medicine Medical School
*and many more................

Activities / Volunteering

Top of a Volcano

Salsa Classes



At the beach

Lake Atitlan


Who Can Apply?

The 5-Month Immersion Program is open to anyone entering the health care or social services professions in the U.S. or Canada.
(i.e. medical, nursing, therapist, dental, pharmacy, physician assistant, social worker, or other pre health professions students).


Why Should You Apply?

"One of the best preparations for medical school came from learning about rural health in Guatemala; the experience not only improved my Spanish and appreciation of the culture, but it also gave me an introduction to international medicine."
MD, UC Davis Medical School, Spring 2009 participant.

Contact Us


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