ASDA Pre-Dental Month Kick Off & Mentorship Opportunity

October is ASDA Pre-Dental Month and we’d like to share with you some awesome events Penn ASDA will be hosting! They will be a great opportunity for you to meet the heads of admissions, pick the brains of current dental students, and boost your resume! See the list below to find out what we have planned and RSVP here: .

We’d also like to offer you all a unique opportunity to help you achieve your dream of going to dental school! We are implementing a mentorship program through Penn ASDA’s Pre-Dental Committee and are looking for predental students  from around the country to match up with a UPENN Dental Student mentor. This is a great chance to create a bond and  get invaluable advice from a  current student while also bolstering your CV. If interested in joining please fill out this form by Friday, October 6th: . We will then match you with a mentor and will facilitate a meet and greet event at City Tap on October 20th (see below)!
*Please note the following locations and times are subject to change.  We will update with final times and locations for those who sign up for the event.

October 16th - Workshop: Interview and Personal Statement Help
---Penn Dental Medicine [240 South 40th St, Philadelphia, 19104] - 5:30pm
Hosted at Penn Dental, we will have current students and members of admissions present to talk about interview and personal statement tips.  Whether you have a personal statement already written, or you have only begun brainstorming, we will help you revise and perfect it.  We will also talk about interview techniques and common questions to so that you can be prepared.  If interested, please indicate on the above form.

October 27th - Social: Meet Your Mentor
---City Tap House [3925 Walnut St, Philadelphia, 19104] - 5:00pm
Come meet your mentor, other Penn Dental students, and other predental students at this relaxed social on City Tap’s amazing patio.  It’s a great chance to have face-to-face time with your mentor, gain perspective and insights from other dental students, and to meet other local predental students who are in your same position.  If interested, please indicate on the above form.


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