Updates from Des Moines University

Master of Health Care Administration Update
Applicants now have two ways to apply to the Master of Health Care Administration program; they can apply through SOPHAS (the centralized application service), or via a DMU-specific MHA application. The DMU-specific application is cheaper and faster, but if students are planning on applying to multiple schools they will want to use SOPHAS. The application deadline for summer term is May 1, 2017.

Master of Anatomy (MSA) and Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences (MSBS)
The MSA and MSBS programs are both accepting applications for fall 2017. These programs are great for students who want to explore careers in anatomy or research, or are also beneficial in strengthening an application for medical school. As an added bonus, students who are in good standing in either program are guaranteed an interview with the DMU osteopathic medicine program if they choose to submit an application!

Application fee waivers
Because we value our partnerships with pre-health advisors, we are offering an application fee waiver for your students for the MHA, MSA, or MSBS programs. Feel free to share the code DMUPARTNER, which will waive the application fee.


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