Memorial Sloan Kettering 2-year research position

This was brought to my attention by an alum who is leaving this position to begin his med school application journey.  He is open to students contacting him with questions at Kevin Quindlen  The position is also on the BRIDGE

"We are looking for a Research Study Assistant (RSA) position in the Department of Surgery Gynecology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  This is a 9-5 position with a 2 year commitment, ideally beginning between May – July of this year. As an RSA in the service, you would work on clinical research studies that involve surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, databases and quality of life. You would also work in the clinic with direct physicians and patient contact. If you are interested in hearing more about the position, please send a cover letter with your resume to the Clinical Research Supervisor, Kaity Chang "


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