Fall MCAT prep option

Dear Premed Students:
The Altius Test Prep Fall Long-Track MCAT Course is starting this week, on Sept. 19th. If you're planning on getting involved, you'll need to contact Altius this week. You can visit here to enroll, or to gather more information. There is also additional info included in this flyer.
For students who are planing to self-study for the MCAT, Altius has offered an exclusive discount to our premeds who purchase the Altius Full-Length Practice Exams. If you plan to enroll in any of the Altius MCAT Programs, these tests will be included in your mentoring program. However, for self-study students who would just like the exams, you can click here and call your Regional Enrollment Director at 435-671-5783 to get a coupon code that will save you $45.00 off our set of ten practice exams. 
If you have specific questions about Altius, or these practice tests, your Enrollment Director assigned to your University can be reached at 435-671-5783.
Altius Test Prep
National Director of Enrollment


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