The Special Master's Program at Georgetown University Medical Center is suspending its requirement for an MCAT score for applicants to its class of 2021 (matriculating August 2020)

Dear Pre-Health Advisors,

The Special Master's Program at Georgetown University Medical Center is suspending its requirement for an MCAT score for applicants to its class of 2021 (matriculating August 2020). This change is dictated by the cancellation of some MCAT testing dates, with further cancellations potentially occurring. While we do want scores for applicants who have them, we will consider students who aren't able to take the exam in time to provide scores to us. Although MCAT scores are useful to us in evaluating applicants, other factors including, but not limited to, performance in prerequisite courses, the grades in upper level science course, and the difficulty of curriculum can provide signifiant insight into how an applicant is likely to perform in medical school courses in the SMP. Thus, we will be carefully considering applicants without test scores for the remainder of the current admissions cycle.

We will be informing your students who have started or completed an SMP application of this change if they do not have test scores. Please feel free to pass this announcement on to your advisees and also to contact us if you have any questions or comments about this policy change. If you are wondering about the current class of SMP students, they, like their medical school classmates at Georgetown SOM, transitioned to remote learning earlier this month. WIth the widespread use of educational technology in our programs, that transition has gone well, and we will be finishing out the current year in this manner.

We hope you and your students are safe and healthy.

With best wishes,

Adam Myers


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